Opus Independent Financial Planning Limited
Setting you along the path
to financial freedom.
Everyone talks about “financial freedom”, and it sounds as great as it does elusive. But what does it really mean?
For each and every one of us at Opus, it simply means not having to go to work to earn the money we need to live the lifestyle we want. It’s about understanding that mysterious number that we need to reach in order to achieve our goals.
Simple? More so than you probably think. Elusive? Not necessarily…
What we do
All the solutions you need, from a centralised point of truth
So how can we help? We’ll look at your circumstances holistically, work out how everything fits together, then help you understand what it might mean for the future. We’ll tell you where you are and – more importantly – where you could end up if you continue along the same trajectory. And we can offer all of this seamlessly from one centralised point of truth.
In short, we help you to explore the various futures that you could bring into reality.
It’s about what you could spend, not what you have spent.
Why seek financial advice now?
To quickly do away with a common myth, financial advice isn’t limited to people who have accumulated vast amounts of assets, investments and savings.
It’s not even limited to people with at least a modest degree wealth.
In its purest form, financial planning should be preventative and proactive - not reactionary – making it relevant to everyone.
Why choose us?
We specialise in truly life-changing planning
We have a proven track record working closely with individuals to help fulfil their financial ambitions and personal lifestyle aspirations. We achieve this by drawing upon our extensive knowledge to provide clear and pragmatic strategic guidance that sets clients along the road to effective financial planning and management.
Diverse and entrepreneurial team
No judgment or pressure
Proven track record
Pragmatic strategic guidance
Personal, objective approach
Market-leading expertise
Learn more about what makes us unique